Favolacce (Bad Tales), directed by Damiano and Fabio D’Innocenzo, is a dark tale of relational dynamics in a small community of families. The movie is set in a suburban area, south of Rome, an isolated space where everything feels trivial and monotonous. At the center of the story is the family of Bruno (Elio Germano), Dalia (Barbara Chichiarelli) and their twelve-year-old diligent children. This apparently normal and peaceful family portrait hides an uncomfortable restlessness. Their lives and relationships remain in a precarious equilibrium, like a house of cards. Victims of the guilty passiveness of their parents, the kids are left with a deep anxiety and discomfort that transforms into anger. They are bound to an ideal life desired by their parents, who do not understand that happiness is not artificially constructed.
Presented by our friends at the Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago. Reserve access to the screening at this link: https://www.mymovies.it/ondemand/iic/movie/10963-favolacce/ Favolacce, diretto da Damiano e Fabio D'Innocenzo, è una favola dark che racconta le dinamiche dei rapporti umani in piccola comunità di famiglie e i loro figli adolescenti. L’ambientazione è quella di una periferia meridionale di Roma, uno spazio suburbano isolato, dove ogni cosa è banale e monotona. Protagonista della storia è una famiglia composta da Bruno (Elio Germano), Dalia (Barbara Chichiarelli) e i loro diligenti figli dodicenni. Questo normalissimo e tranquillo ritratto di famiglia nasconde un'irrequietezza per nulla confortante. La loro vita e i loro rapporti rimangono in piedi in un equilibrio precario, come un castello di carte. Vittime della passività colpevole degli adulti, i ragazzi sentono una profonda angoscia e uno sconforto che si tramuta in rabbia. Sono incastrati nella vita ideale voluta dai genitori, che non hanno capito che la felicità non si può costruire artificialmente. Registrati oppure accedi per prenotare: https://www.mymovies.it/ondemand/iic/movie/10963-favolacce/
We’re hosting an OPEN HOUSE for our Best of Italy Tour in September 2022 and we’d love to see you there.
WHEN: February 14, 2022 at 6:30 PM WHERE: The Gelateria Coffee Company 3197 South Grand Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri 63118 Join us for an open house at The Gelateria Coffee Company to meet your tour guides Jack Baumann of Guidester Travel and Michael Cross for their BEST OF ITALY TOUR in September 2022. Jack and Michael will be there to answer your questions, enjoy some delicious espressos with you, and speak to you personally about this once in a lifetime trip which will take you to Rome, Tuscany, Florence, and a surprise extension trip to Bologna, our sister city! ABOUT THE TRIP | PRICE $4,100 On your 10-day inclusive tour experience stunning architecture, rich history, vibrant culture, and world-class food as we make our way through two of the most beautiful and historic areas of Italy. Spend 5 nights in Rome as we explore the winding cobblestone streets and top highlights of the Eternal City. Take a private tour of the Vatican and Colosseum, walk down the streets of the ancient forum, have dinner in a local home, sip wine on a rooftop bar, and get to truly live like a Roman. Enjoy a day trip outside the city to the famous Castelli Romani, "Roman Castles", and the quaint village of Tivoli. Spend 4 nights in Siena, the heart of Tuscany, exploring hilltop villages, dramatic landscapes, and historic vineyards all while being treated to first-class foods and top-notch wines. We will visit the famous villages of Montepulciano and San Gimignano including a special lunch and wine tasting, plus a guided tour of Florence and the Accademia Gallery, which houses the famous Statue of David. HOTELS Expertly selected 4-star accommodations and private transfers to and from the airport. In case you wish to book pre or post tour hotel accommodations, the tour manger can assist with those arrangements. Hotel Genio, Rome, is a perfectly situated 4-star property with a prestigious location in the historic heart of Rome. The location just opposite the famous Piazza Navona Square makes it the ideal base to explore the city with countless landmarks just minutes away. From the modern and elegant Hotel NH Siena, a short walk takes you into the heart of Siena, with its wealth of historical landmarks, Gothic architecture and pavement cafés. WHAT'S INCLUDED -A small, friendly group of just 15-20 – less than half the size of most tour groups -9 nights at 4-star historic accommodation (based on double room rates, single room supplement will apply) -Full-time services of expert tour host Jack Baumann with over 15 years of travel experience. -All transportation by luxury motor coach with driver and tour director -Professor of Italian at St Louis Community College, Michael Cross will join the tour and share his insights of Italian history, culture, and language throughout the trip -Personal Guidester travel guide that will help you explore in your free time -Airport transfers to and from hotel on arrival and departure -13 meals (9x breakfast, 2x lunch, and 2x dinner) -Dinner in local Roman home -Private walking tour of Rome -Private tour of Vatican Museums, St. Peter's Basilica, and Sistine Chapel -Private tour of the Colosseum and Roman Forum -Private walking tour of Siena -Full day Tuscany tour including visits to hilltop villages and historic wineries -Private walking tour of Florence -Private skip-the-line tour of Accademia Gallery and The David -Private tour of San Gimignano including lunch and wine tasting -Ticket wallets, and portfolio of travel documents For more information, please see the following links: https://www.guidester.com/italy-tour-2022/ |
AuthorsMichael Cross Year
October 2024
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