The St Louis - Bologna Sister Cities proudly invites you to its 5th Annual Italian Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 7:30 PM. The concert will be held at Webster University's Community Music School Concert Hall in Webster Groves. The address is of the venue is: 535 Garden Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63119 Listen to the magnificent repertoire of Christmas and Holiday classics with internationally renowned mezzo-soprano and Bologna native, Benedetta Orsi. Italian, international, and American holiday classics will be performed. Don't miss this one-of-a-kind performance featuring musicians of the St Louis Symphony Orchestra the St Louis Women's Chorale with over 40 voices on stage! The concert features the following international artists: BENEDETTA ORSI, mezzosoprano GAIL HINTZ, piano JESSICA PLATT, violin RANDY GINDLER, percussions VINCENT VARVEL, guitar THE ST. LOUIS WOMEN'S CHORALE, featuring Janelle Pierce and young artist AYLA LUTZELER, soprano Tickets are $25 per person. Student Tickets: $15 Ages 10 and younger are free. ($20 tickets for members of Club Italiano Per Piacere) Online ticket sales will end at 1pm on December 9th. After that time, concert tickets will be available at the door. All sales are final. Tickets are available by on Eventbrite: For more information or to inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email: [email protected] The concert is sponsored by The World Trade Center-St. Louis, Arteco Global, Nooter/Eriksen, Italian Citizenship Assistance, Mr. Giorgio Bucci, Mr. Timothy Keeley, Dr. Mitchell Rotman, Mr. Piero Scapini, Cav. Franco Giannotti, and Webster University's Community School of Music. St Louis - Bologna Sister Cities Board of Directors
Michael Cross - President Elizabeth Bernhardt, PhD - Vice-President Giovanna Leopardi - Secretary Kristine Galati - Treasurer Benedetta Orsi - Officer Cav. Franco Giannotti - Officer The St Louis - Bologna Sister Cities, founded in 1987, fosters mutually beneficial relations in art, music, culture, economic development, and education between the cities of St Louis and Bologna, Italy. For more information, visit:
La comunità italiana di St Louis vi invita a partecipare alla festa di Thanksgiving! Sabato, il 18 novembre alle ore 16,00 siete tutti cordialmente invitati alla nostra cena di Friendsgiving, dove potrete incontrare molti connazionali italiani e tanti amici amanti della cultura italiana. La cena sarà in stile tradizionale di Thanksgiving dove gli organizzatori cucineranno un lussuoso tacchino, purè di patate, ripieno, e un grande fusto di birra da condividere. Chiediamo cortesemente agli invitati di contribuire portando un piatto di 6-8 porzioni. Per praticità, si prega di registrare il piatto da portare secondo la lista “what to bring” in allegato all’invito. Acqua e birra sono incluse ma siete liberi di portare vino o altre bevande preferite da condividere. Bambini al di sotto di 13 anni mangiano gratis ma chiediamo un simbolico contributo di $5.00 a persona per coprire una piccola porzione dei costi. Il pagamento dovrà essere effettuato in anticipo altrimenti non sarà possibile contare i partecipanti e, di conseguenza, non saranno ammesse persone che non avranno effettuato il pagamento. Il versamento potrà essere fatto al seguente conto Venmo: @Giovanna-Leopardi Per coloro che non avessero Venmo, potete contattare Giovanna al seguente numero per il pagamento: 314-566-3873 In conclusione, questo evento è aperto a tutti, grandi e piccini. Alcune delle nostre più giovani volontarie si occuperanno di intrattenere i più piccoli con alcuni giochi e attività molto divertenti. I più fortunati, avranno l’opportunità di vincere favolosi cesti natalizi ricchi di cose belle e buone! The Italian Community of St Louis invites you to Friendsgiving 2023, Italian edition!
On Saturday, November 18th at 4:00 PM, you are invited to attend a potluck dinner with all of your Italian and Italian culture affiliated friends in St Louis. The address is: 8195 Lackland Rd. St Louis, Missouri 63114. The core of the meal will be a traditional American style Thanksgiving dinner. The organizers of the event will be providing turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and a keg of beer to share. Adults are requested to bring a dish to feed approximately 6 to 8 people. Please sign up for any items in the “what to bring list” which can be found in the following link: Beer and water will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your favorite beverage to share with the group. Children under 13 eat free but we are asking a symbolic contribution of $5.00 per person to cover a small portion of the costs. Without advance payment people won’t be counted and therefore, will not be allowed to participate. Funds can be sent to the Venmo account @Giovanna-Leopardi. If you don't have Venmo, please contact Giovanna at the following number for other methods of payments: 314-566-3873 Finally, this event is intended to be family friendly. We are planning on having some light entertainment for younger kids along with a few teenagers who will be there to monitor that the kids are having a good time and are playing nicely. Also, some lucky ones will have the chance to raffle and bring home wonderful holiday baskets full of goodies! |
AuthorsMichael Cross Year
November 2024
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